SharpsAway™ is one of the leading suppliers of reusable Sharps containers, offering a wide range of configurations to fit virtually any healthcare or laboratory setting where security and convenience are critical.
Solutions SharpsAway™ Program
A better product for less
SharpsAway™ containers are designed to withstand the rigors of a Reusable System. They are made with a thicker plastic than disposable containers resulting in greater puncture resistance. They are guaranteed to be durable and long-lasting.
A Safe solution that also saves money
Years ago, single-use containers were the only solution for sharps waste. Today, a new generation of computer controlled sanitizing and disinfecting equipment allows for the safe, sanitary, and economical reuse of sharps containers, while avoiding human contact. With the SharpsAway™ reusable system, you don’t have to purchase, inventory, assemble, distribute, collect, handle, store, and ultimately pay to dispose of your sharps containers, resulting in substantial cost savings.
Hundreds of thousands are already in use
Reusable sharps containers such as SharpsAway™ are a rapidly growing concept in medical waste management. This trend started in the N.Y. metropolitan area where currently over 90% of the hospitals enjoy reusable containers.
Designed for safety
SharpsAway™ containers are designed for safe use effectively blocking hand access from discarded sharps. They have the largest safety disposal openings on the market.